Monday, March 5, 2018


The last coupla Sundays have been super sunny and beautiful. There's been a tension between spring and winter, with spring mostly winning out (at least in the mid-afternoon).

Murky and I started out in the back alleys of Corso Italia, stopped by sunny Wallace Espresso for a chunky cookie and coffee, and ended up spending the majority of our time in our old neighbourhood, with all its nice shapes and colours.






Friday, March 2, 2018

jumping in

In an effort to slow the passage of time, I'm going to be using this space to document things I observe/enjoy. As usual, I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to start, as I've been thinking about this project for the better part of two years. Nevertheless, I'm excited to finally take a step towards sharing my photos (photes) and minimal thoughts (notes) with the void. Hope you enjoy this as much as I will :-------)
